automotive esd standards
Electrostatic discharge (ESD) test methods required for evaluating vehicle electronic modules:
This section will give a brief overview of the ISO10605 compliance test standard, which deals with ESD immunity of automobiles/road vehicles. To access this standard, you must be from the International Organization for Standardization. ISO10605 Anti-static scope for automobiles This international standard specifies the electrostatic discharge (ESD) test methods required for evaluating electronic modules used in vehicles.
This International Standard specifies the evaluation of electronics for vehicles, which applies to discharges in the following cases:
Electrostatic discharge during assembly;
ESD applied to a device under test (DUT) can directly affect the device under test. ESD applied to adjacent components can be coupled to the power and signal lines of the DUT in the vehicle and/or directly into the DUT. This international standard describes the test procedures for evaluation benches and complete vehicle electronic modules. This standard applies to all types of road vehicles, regardless of the propulsion system (e.g. spark ignition engines, diesel engines, electric motors). This International Standard is partly based on IEC 61000-4-2 and describes vehicle specific requirements.
Vehicle test method (ISO10605 Section 10):
For areas that are only easily accessible from inside the vehicle, choose a generator capacitor of 330pF with a resistor of 330Ω or 2kΩ. In this case, the maximum test voltage can be limited to 15kV. For points that can only be easily touched from outside the vehicle, choose a 150pF capacitor, and a 330Ω or 2kΩ resistor. In this case, the maximum test voltage is 25kV. Areas accessible from the outside and inside shall be tested with generator capacitance values and maximum test voltages of 15kV and 25kV respectively.
Automaker’s ESD Simulator Preferred, Exclusive, Exclusive Formula, Premiere, Network-wide Premiere, National Premiere, Network Exclusive, First Time, First Model, National Sales Champion, National Product, National Leader, and Discharge Network. All tests should be performed under positive and negative polarity. direct contact discharge
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